Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Scott McKnight in The Jesus Creed makes an interesting observation on "yellow" and Vincent van Gogh.
"Yellow evoked (for him) the hope and warmth of the truth of God's love." [p63]

And so, in "one of his depressive periods... The Starry Night, one finds a yellow sun and yellow swirling stars, because van Gogh thought truth was found only in nature. Tragically, the church, which stands tall in this painting [not seen too well in this reproduction] and should be the house of truth, is about the only item in the painting showing no traces of yellow. But by the time he painted The Raising of Lazarus, his life was on the mend as he began to face the truth about himself. The entire picture is (blindingly) bathed in yellow. In fact, van Gogh put his own face on Lazarus to express his own hope in the resurrection." [p63-4]

Maybe yellow needs to be the "new black" of the church as we truely offer hope to the world because of Jesus Christ and the truth/reality of who we are in Him.

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