Friday, September 23, 2005

scot mcknight, brian mclaren, garry poole

scot mcknight, on Jesus Creed blogs about a luncheon he had with evangelist and author, Garry Poole, and Brian McLaren.

McLaren talked about seven levels of involvement in the emerging conversation (he made it clear that it is not an emerging “church” but more of a conversation that has as one of its goals more unity among churches).
1. A cosmetic level of church growth: grunge music.
2. How to evangelize 20-somethings (18 to 35 is his number I think).
3. Didn’t get this one; I think he may have skipped it.
4. Culture and gospel interaction.
5. Worship and liturgy as a deeper reflection of culture and gospel.
6. What is the gospel itself?
7. A holistic kingdom gospel.


I think the issue is about how to define the gospel.

A gospel that defines sin as simply judicial leads to an atonement that is simply judicial and a Christian life that is a “standing”, while I think the work of God is about transforming and that leads to an atonement that is transforming and a view of sin that is more than judicial but is relational. Well, that is what Embracing Grace is about.

Brian also spoke about “doing church” as
(1) civil religion and
(2) in an isolated, more sectarian, form,
(3) and suggested that the emerging church has a new option

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