Thursday, December 08, 2005

advent cartoon

A cartoon from Dave Walker of Cartoon Church

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like God's approach. The least on the human list will be the greatest. I suspect it is so because only then is He permitted and able to the work through the least ...the broken...the contrite..the marginalized! Sounds too God like eh!
Advent, tired old advent, why do we celebrate His birthday as a something that 'had come' and 'is yet coming' again... versus the reality. That is: celebrating His life in us daily...and He celebrating our life hidden in Him. Every day is His birthday...He is birthing something new into our lives daily. Advent is a relic of those who 'know' Jesus from a comfortable distance.
As for the list...sounds like yet another 'performance' indicator...where is the 'Rest in Him list'.