Wednesday, April 19, 2006

leg injury

I am sidelined from any running or cycling for the next 2 or 3 weeks.

On Easter Monday the family was over - about 25 of us - later in the afternoon we were out playing soccer (ages 9 to 51 - I'm the old guy). I was taking it reasonably easy (really I was!) I was back playing keeper, chased a ball that was going wide, and it felt like someone threw a stone and hit me in the middle of the calf. I heard a pop & that was it.

I am glad it is not an Achilles tendon rupture, but occurred higher up in the back of the leg. It's still pretty painful if I put any weight on it. First couple of days it was RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Now it's adding some moist heat to the tratment, as well as trying to walk on it a little. It's going up and down stairs that's the most painful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I guess an invite to walkingchurch is quite out of the question. Any 'old' how in this case, Pastor Mike, does an 'elder'ly Pastor call the elders in to situations like this as suggested by James - oil and laying of hands? I know with horses ya just shoot em. Alas, bullets cost money!!!

I checked my calendar, yet another birthday on the horizon for you. This should be terrifying!!!! Actually the big day is a week from today for those who might want to send a card, or discard their hab paraphenallia, or call the fire department in advance of the cake lightin.

On the upside bros. we consider it all joy (probably you less than us) - and it may well be a time to look back at half a century of blessings. Your Pal. RoG