Saturday, May 13, 2006

afraid of the dark

Andrew Hamilton of Backyard Missionary> posted this back on Good Friday.
One of the things Neil Cole said... that I deeply resonated with was that ‘most Christians don’t believe that light is more powerful than darkness’ or words to that effect otherwise it would show up in the way we live.

I have seen people stay away from ‘dark places’ and ‘dark people’ out of fear.

Fear of what?…

Why do we talk so tough and live so weak?
I am more and more convinced that fear and anger and "being offended" and selfishness and a whole bunch of other stuff that characterizes far too many christians is because far too many people settle for the religion of christianity, settle for some sort of idea about God, when it is very clear in the New Testament that God calls us to be "salt and light" - not because of who we are, but because of who God is, in us and us in Christ.

If I was a betting person, I would put money on this: that if we did a survey tomorrow AM [Sunday - Mother's Day] in our church buildings across Canada, the majority would not be able to give a clear statement about who they are in Christ and that means for how they live on Monday AM - in schools, factories, businesses, shops, wherever.

& I would suggest that part of the problem lies with our model of church - we are so focued on the Sunday AM gathering as a "do everything event". I'm not saying do away with the larger gathering... but that is only part of who & what the church is.

I would also suggest that part of the problem lies with our inadequate model of discipleship. In many of our churches, our discipleship model is so informal, it's hard to find. I'm not saying we need a rigid structure, but I don't think the church in Canada is doing a very good job of discipling people.

& so if we don't understand who we are... no wonder it's easier & safer & more comfortable to stay in the fortress.


Anonymous said...

The walking church choir gives you a huge 'amen'! 'Preach it brother!' Teach it shamelessly and boldly!!!

I have been very priviledged to have been mentored by a string of many (cloud of witnesses) that God, repeat, God has put in my life path. God, living His life, in these mentors has discipled me just right in the right season of my life.

I am available for God who lives in me to disciple others in and through me as me. I pray it be so.

Christ is indeed at the helm of 'HIS' church.

Anonymous said...

If I was a betting person, I would put money on this: that if we did a survey tomorrow AM [Sunday - Mother's Day] in our church buildings across Canada, the majority would not be able to give a clear statement about who they are in Christ and that means for how they live on Monday AM - in schools, factories, businesses, shops, wherever.

Did a survey??? Why not talk to them?

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.