Nanochurch quotes a washington post article:
Da Vinci Code movie a target for US evangelicals
“A boycott at this point would not do any good. When you have a tsunami coming it doesn’t help to build a wall,” said Dr. Erwin Lutzer, pastor of Moody Bible Church in Chicago.While there are some for are taking the boycott approach, this seems to be
“I have never in my 30 years of ministry had a time when so many people are interested… We as evangelicals welcome the debate,” added Lutzer, who wrote “The Da Vinci Deception” which has been turned into a video teaching kit on the subject.
“This is the engagement option,” says Darrell Bock, professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.
This has become the favored approach among evangelicals, instead of boycotting the movie, said Bock, author of “Breaking the Da Vinci Code: Answers to the Questions Everyone is Asking.”
the “favoured approach,” according to my exhaustive, extensive, scientific research of scanning the web and blogosphere. and this is heartening news. remember the days of boycotting Procter & Gamble because it was satanic? (it’s not.) remember the emails calling for the boycott of Tommy Hilfiger because they’re anti-Christian? (they’re not. (and they’re not racist either, not by policy.))right on.
* it’s good news when Jesus’s followers think.
* it’s good news when Jesus’s followers respond instead of react.
* it’s good news when Jesus’s followers engage people in conversation instead of yelling at them.
conversation is the new debate.
One of the things I'm hearing as a listen to the debate / conversation / discussion around the da vinci code is that many (including evangelicals) don't understand that when Brown talks about the church, he is talking about a hierarchical view of the Roman Catholic church. Maybe the real debate /conversation / discussion is not about the art-history-geography-theology misunderstandings but about who Jesus is and what his church is be.
I heard the stupid's comment on the CBC radio one this morning - I'll paraphase: "The Da Vinci Code is an answer to film go-er's prayer." Kind of makes you wonder who is praying and to whom?
from the reviews i've read, i think monty pythons holy grail is just as close to history
In the spiritual realm . . .Da Vinci... is nothing more than 'a flesh wound.!!! Roaringoutloud.
what a wonderfully powerful statement
It brings to mind Psalm 2:4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. or
Psalm 37:13 the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.
I think it is Ruth Fazal who has a song that declares laugh in the face of the enemy - we can do that, only because of who we are in Christ, and because he has given us armour to wear and spiritual authority to declare truth.
And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. Since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool, because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. HEB 10.10-14
I hope and pray that Dan finds 'Truth' - but if not He'll be a 'dan'dy footstool.
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