Friday, May 26, 2006

Real Christians of Genius

One of the marks of Christian maturity is the ability to laugh at yourself. There's a church called liquid church that has learned that. Here's a video clip that will make you laugh, or at least giggle at our ways of trying to speak the gospel.

Press the PLAY button on the window in the link to view it.
The Apostle Paul challenged Christians to relate to all people for the sake of spreading the Gospel. The heart of Paul’s message was that Christians learn to truly understand our non-believing friends & neighbors so that we might share our faith with them effectively.

Too often, we over complicate our faith or fail to express the beauty & relevance of the Gospel. Other times, we only try to be understood instead of also trying to understand. This clip serves as a gentle reminder for Christ followers to share their faith in a manner that's relevant to outsiders.

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