Thursday, July 06, 2006


This video will have you either rolling in the aisle or crying.
It's too funny... or sad.
Just for your information I do like some of the stuff that comes out of hillsong. The link comes via Scott Williams: hill$ong


Anonymous said...

I saw this video a couple of days ago. Strange feelings because I have a mix history with things releated to Hillsongs (mostly the songs). But reading from from Aussie bloggers about the church causes much concern. How shall we respond?

Anonymous said...

Respond by laughing!

It's hilarious!

But don't think this is just limited to Hill$ong. Have you ever heard of Victory Churches International? What about the Miracle Channel?

The underlying TRUTH is exactly the same.

How about this for a nouvelle idée: remove the collection plate and offering time completely from the service. Discretely set up a box at the back of the room in which you hold your service and when people enter, they can put something in.

Better yet, with technology and banks and electronica, why not just have your giving automatically withdrawn from your account? That way the church won't have to bother asking and begging all the time.

I laughed at this video because it's true. I cried because I know too many people who literally buy into their empty religion. That's what is sad.

oncoffee said...

There's a tension here - giving is [or at least can be] an act of worship - but much of the time it is less than that.
I'm not sure the automatic withdraw is the best idea.
I am aware of a couple of churches that have bank machines in their foyer - there are lots of people who seldom if ever write cheques; & who seldom carry cash.
But there are churches that use the "box at the back" approach.

Anonymous said...

It's a very poor and tasteless parody. Too sad tbat someone might think it was real. The "b**ch" reference and the crotch grab tell it all.