Tuesday, September 19, 2006

more on community

Lucas @ My Four Walls refers to this quote on Steve McKoy's Reformissionary site: Suburban Christian: Place and Anonymity:
When we speak of “community,” we usually mean it in the sense of affinity groups, like the arts community, the African American community, the gay/lesbian community, the Christian community. Lost today is the sense of physical community, in which “community” refers to a particular geographic area or neighborhood that anchors us and defines us. (p 117)

The chief antidote to suburban anonymity and isolationism may well be the Christian practice of hospitality. (p 132)

Both quotes are from Albert Hsu’s The Suburban Christian.

Then why is so little in the way of hospitality actually practised?


Steve McCoy said...

Thanks for the link. But it's "McCoy." :)

oncoffee said...

sorry about that