Saturday, October 28, 2006

emerging church forum

Westminister Theological Seminary, in Glenside, Pennsylvania, is hosting an emerging church forum: Eternal Word in an “Emerging World” this weekend.
The phrase “emerging church” evokes various images and concerns. Is it a fad? Is it the future? The conversation comes to many of us in the form of a challenge to be relevant to our culture and times as we proclaim the eternal Word of God, asking us to ponder our assumptions about “what church is” and “how we ought to do it.” It might leave us wondering whether our confessional standards meet the challenges of the 21st century—a particular concern to pastors and campus ministers engaged in reaching the unchurched around them.
Here are some links to some bloggers covering the event:

Scott McKnight's opening lecture is covered in some detail by both Mark and Art. Art, in addition, adds some of his critique of Scott's lecture.

I'm looking forward to reading more on this event.
Thanks to the above bloggers for their reflections... if there are other bloggers covering the event please add your blog to the list.

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