Saturday, May 12, 2007


I have collected rocks since I was young [I'm sure some of my friends will comment on that!] I have a fairly nice collection of crystals, but nothing like the ones shown here.

This is just one sample.

Notice the size of these crystals. That is a man standing near the left side of the picture. Follow the link above for larger pictures.

The crystal cavern was discovered within the same limestone body that hosts the silver-zinc-lead ore bodies exploited by the mine. The cavern was probably dissolved by the same hydrothermal fluids that deposited the metals with the gypsum being crystallized during the waning stages of mineralization. The crystals probably grew relatively quickly to their immense size within a completely liquid-filled cavern....

They're working to document this place, but it's difficult, because it stays 125-150 degrees F (50-65 degrees C) and stays at 100% humidity....

In April 2000, brothers Juan and Pedro Sanchez were drilling a new tunnel when they made a truly spectacular discovery. While Naica miners are accustomed to finding crystals, Juan and Pedro were absolutely amazed by the cavern that they found.

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