Thursday, November 22, 2007


for my american friends... happy thanksgiving
for us in canada and other places... give thanks

here's some links
grace is emphasized.
grace is trusted.
grace is displayed.
grace is taught.
grace is evident.
grace is changing lives.
grace is the point.

I am thankful for a church where ...
regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey you can connect.
regardless of your baggage you are welcome.
regardless of what you are wearing you can come.
regardless of your race, social standing, income, and preferences - you are invited.
regardless of what you did the night, week, or month before, you will be accepted.

I am thankful for a church ...
that cares about its community.
that wants to engage the hearts and minds of those who attend it.
that is externally focused.
that cares about kids.
that wants to help you connect to others.

I am thankful for a church that is...

I am thankful for a church where...
the gospel is preached.
God is glorified.
Jesus is worshiped.
those away from God are loved to God.
Christ-followers are challenged.
volunteers want to serve.
transformation happens.
skeptics are welcomed.

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