Mark Berry links to this article on the weary pilgrim.
Here are some quotes from the article... check out the whole post.
For real community to happen, hospitality... must be a living reality. Hospitality must be a value that is spliced into the DNA of the community. I would even go as far as saying...you can't have one with out the other.
Paul Roberts... "you can tell the size of a person's Christianity by the size of their table."
Food, people, conversation... and the Spirit of God that hovers over the table as in the beginning of creation... something mysterious happens.
There is something very revealing in these words of Jesus, "Those who receive you receive me, and those who receive me receive the One who sent me." — Matthew 10:40
Thank you for this....it affirms so very much for me at this point...someday maybe we can gather around a table that will hopefully be as big as this one, and maybe even bigger. :) I will love it!
In Him,
the great thing about the Father's table is... there is always room for one more.
the table in the picture reminds me a little of the table in the film Babette's Feast
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