Sunday, February 01, 2009

random 80

where phone booths go to die

via elemental children's ministry

rubik's 360
The reclusive Hungarian inventor, Erno Rubik, hopes to recreate the buzz of his Rubik’s Cube with his new game, featuring six balls trapped within three transparent plastic spheres.
via telegraph

table of when condiments go badlink

Extinct ibex is resurrected by cloning
An extinct animal has been brought back to life for the first time after being cloned from frozen tissue.
via the telegraph

I called shotgunlink

Natalie MacMaster and her musical partner Donnell Leahy play tunes from the Cape Breton tradition -- a sprightly, soulful style of folk fiddle and piano. It's an inspired collaboration that will have you clapping (and maybe dancing) along. (Recorded February 2003 in Monterey, California. Duration: 18:47.)

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