Saturday, August 22, 2009

violet burning

Here's a powerful song by Violet Burning. I was once part of a church where there were a number of people who were often "offended" by various actions of people who were not yet followers of Jesus... but were starting to explore what that might mean.

This quote & song are so appropriate... thanks to David Wainscott for the link.
“When we search the Gospel acounts we never find a place where Jesus was offended by a sinful person.

But there are repeated accounts of his being very offended by the self-righteousness of so-called holy people who setthemselves apart from the rest of humanity in their own eyes. For these people he didn’t even have the time of day, except to warn them of the judgment to come, a judgment brought about by their refusal to see themselves as needy as the next guy.”
-John Fischer, "True Believers Don’t Ask Why"

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