Sunday, May 23, 2010

random 121

sidecar canoe
All the more reason to mourn the passing of the motorcyle sidecar: some of them could turn into canoes, at least according to this June, 1934 article in Modern Mechanix: "A MOTORCYCLE side car which doubles as a canoe on trips to the beach or river bank has recently made its appearance in Germany. The car is fitted with small metal pontoons which keep it upright in the water. Future models will be fitted with rudders, completing the transformation from side car to a navigable boat. "
This would be great in Orillia... a motorcycle to get around & a canoe for the lakes!
via boing boing and modern mechanix

map of tourism?
Bluemoon Interactive, a small codeshop, maps touristiness, based on uploads to Panoramio, a site where people share photos of their favorite places. Yellow indicates high touristiness, red is medium touristiness, and blue is low touristiness.

Europe is much brighter than the rest of the world. The coasts of the US has got some brightness, along with Japan and some of the coasts of South America.

The question is are we really seeing levels of tourism, or are we looking at who uses Panoramio? I'm inclined to say the latter, simply because all of Europe is so crazy bright.

martin gardner
of Scientific American passed away this week. Growing up I loved reading his articles on math. He made math fun, even when I didn’t get it.
wired has a reflection with some links.

bicycle products
toxel has some neat/unusual products for you bike.

Starry Night - van Gogh
This is on of my favourite van Gough paintings; nicely enhanced by McLean's song.
the painting

the song - Don McLean

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