Wednesday, November 09, 2011

book review: radical together

title: radical together
author: david platt
publisher: multnomah
date: 2011

"Radical Together" is David Platt’s followup to his book "Radical". "Radical Together" balances some of the things in "Radical" with a stronger call to experience God's love, joy and grace - especially in the context of community.

Having read "Radical" I was glad for this follow up book. I don't believe we can be radical without considering what it means to be radical together. And so in "Radical Together" Platt calls followers of Jesus to collectively: savor God’s Word, appreciate God’s leaders, work for God’s glory, pray for the nations and to progressively enjoy the exaltation of God.

Platt rightly confronts the tendency of churches to become immersed in activities planned for church members & asks why there is a dichotomy between local ministry and global missions. Platt reminds us that we called not only to love our city and invade our culture with the gospel; we are also called to leave our cities to infiltrate every culture with the gospel. 

If you have read "Radical", you need to read "Radical Together" with others in community. The included discussio guide is a handy tool to kick start the discussion.

I am a firm believer that theology and theological reflection is best done in community. It's in community that the spirit of individualism which refuses to submit to another is linked to the collaborative learning in relationship where we challenge each other to faithfulness to living out the Word of God in our particular contexts.

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