Friday, May 24, 2024

retirement - books

I have a lot of books. 

Lots and lots of books. 

Before we moved to Orillia, I took a van load of books to CSM - Christian Salvage Mission in Hamilton.

As we move toward retirement, Janice's comment/question is:

What are you going to do with all your books? 

They can't come home! 

I have been going through my books - both ones in my office, at home, and those in the crawl space. I have selected several hundred books to give away... there are still more books to go through.

The week of June 9-16 the books will be available for FREE at OCC.  

There will be a donation box if you wish to make a donation - those funds will go towards my next ministry trip to East Africa.
But no pressure.
The books need to go... for the sake of our marriage!
Anything left will be sent to CSM - Christian Salvage Mission in Hamilton.

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