Thursday, April 23, 2020


We are living in strange days These are critical days for some of us… and I am not even thinking about those who are ill with the virus.
I am thinking about businesses. There is no doubt that the 2008 financial crash is going to look like a minor blip compared to what is coming down the road. I feel for workers being made unemployed and also for business owners who have to live with the guilt of lay-offs and the possibility that they themselves might not get back on their feet. 
The current Canadian model is throw money at the problem. Out of work - we'll give you money. A student - we'll give you money. Willing to work the fields - we'll give you money.
And in doing that we are not looking at the value of work. I think people are starting to realize that people who are paid the least: store clerks, PSW's, Food preparation and serving workers, Nursery, Greenhouse and farmworkers, hairstylists and barbers, truck drivers, are extremely important. 

This next paragraph is not a political statement – well it is in the sense it is about the polis – the welfare of the city. A few months ago, the Ontario Ford government started slashing all sorts of programming and funding. Any projections from a year ago are long gone.

Now is the time to start to put safeguards in place to protect small business. When things start to open up there needs to be protection against the inevitable “make a buck” that gives more to the large corporation, and leaves little for the independent. 
In recent weeks governments have complained about the lack of PPE available. Much of that manufacturing was moved offshore. The almighty dollar makes the decision.

We often think a similar way when it comes to our own expenses. And, of course, we do need to be wise with our money, but is buying cheap single-season clothing the best use of our limited resources? Is buying highly processed food the best use of our resources and the best for our health>

What if we started buying bread from local bakeries?
What if we started using grace and imagination? Being creative about how we love our neighbour. Using local small business delivery services do just that! 

1 comment:

Jaime ca Jaime Toi said...

This is a greeat blog