Saturday, December 17, 2005


This one is for my western Canadian friends.

The Western Standard has an online store which features posters and T-shirts sporting this graphic… as well as a free screensaver and desktop wallpaper. Although why anyone would want Paul Martin's face on their monitor is beyond me! According to Brother Maynard, the back of the T-shirt says “Sponsorship? fuggeddaboutit.” Too funny.


Anonymous said...

I should have a subscription to the Western Standard. But I don't....

Is it good enough that I knew someone who worked in their office for a summer?

Anonymous said...

I have that poster hanging in my room... they gave the posters out in an issue of the magazine, can't remember which one.


oncoffee said...

Brahm the political junkie!?

Anonymous said...

no, Brahm who thought the poster was funny and "borrowed" it from his parents :-)
