Saturday, April 22, 2006

where Jesus lives...

My first time to a site called broken stained glass and I found this thought:where Jesus lives much of the time.
I've been thinking about where Jesus liked to hang out and where he might be hanging out if he were here today in our culture.

And the thought hit me:

Jesus lives much of the time
in the places where we aren't looking.

What implications does that have for our lives?
I think he's right. We often predefine when & how God shows up. Seems to me that was a problem in the 1st C as well. Maybe we are really slow learners.


Anonymous said...

Jesus hangs out and lives in me as me - I no longer live! Col3.3-4 Gal 2.20 Rom. 6.6 Keep this a secret - many believers do not know this!

Anonymous said...

Jesus, being one with the Father, is omnipresent... i've heard that some people feel more comfortable talking to him in church.

oncoffee said...

yes: he lives in me
yes: he is omnipresent
but neither of those truths negate the fact that we will still find Jesus in some of the places where we aren't looking

Anonymous said...

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