Monday, February 05, 2007

change in the church

Jordon Cooper has this quote:
"No, the church’s existence does not always have to possess the same form in the future that it possessed in the past as though this were the only possible pattern.

"No, the continuance and victory of the cause of God which the Christian Church is to serve with her witness, is not unconditionally linked with the forms of existence which it has had until now.

"Yes, the hour may strike, and perhaps has already struck when God, to our discomfiture, but to his glory and for the salvation of mankind, will put an end to this mode of existence because it lacks integrity.

"Yes, it could be our duty to free ourselves inwardly from our dependency on that mode of existence even while it still lasts. Indeed, on the assumption that it may one day entirely disappear, we should look about us for new ventures in new directions.

"Yes, as the Church of God we may depend on it that if only we are attentive, God will show us such new ways as we can hardly anticipate now. And as the people who are bound to God, we may even now claim unconquerably security for ourselves through him. For his name is above all names..."
This is not a quote from one of the latest emerging or emergent church books or blogs.

It is... Letter to a Pastor in the German Democratic Republic, in How to Serve God in a Marxist Land (New York: Association Press, 1959) 45-80


In Christ Alone said...

Now this is profound. Even though the word "discomfiture" pretty much gave it away to me anyway :). How cool....unending effort in the search for the true Church of God and revelation from that same God.
In Him,

oncoffee said...

ica... you don't use the word "discomfiture" on a regular basis?

trog... always looking for coin?

ica it is neat that there have always been seeking and aware that God is doing a new thing in every generation