Thursday, May 24, 2007

does anyone read these things

Roger Browne in the forum points out the following passage from the Google Terms of Service (US):

"Your use of Google’s ... web sites ... is subject to the terms of a legal agreement between you and Google ... You may not use the Services and may not accept the Terms if ... you are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Google"
Roger comments, “Probably every schoolchild in the developed world is breaking Google’s Terms of Service. How can lawyers be so far out of touch with how the web works?” (Is there a lawyer in the room?)

via google blogoscoped


Anonymous said...

When I turn the key in the ignition and the car moves...who really cares. It is mine to use. Send me the bill Tilden!!


Aaron Weber said...

They know how the web works, but they just put that stuff in "just in case." So, if a kid gets hurt by using Google (I won't try to imagine how) they won't be on the hook for it. They know kids will use Google, but by saying "don't do that," they are absolved of the consequences when it does happen.d