Tuesday, December 29, 2020

book review: Ephesians & All That Jazz

Title: Ephesians and All that Jazz: Riffing with Paul: A Transliteration 
Author: Tom Anderson
Date: 2020
Publisher: Resource Publications

This is a great book to sit down and soak in. It's not a translation. It's like jazz - Tom Anderson starts with the scripture (the score) and riffs off it, he reflects and expands and immerses himself in the text.

In a world where more and more Christians don't read the Bible, this is a great tool to help people learn how to be in the scriptures, to soak in it, to be immersed in it and more beyond treating the text as a "how to". 

I would highly recommend this. 


Disclosure: I received this book free from the Speakeasy blogging book review network. My review is an honest, unbiased review reflecting my own opinion of the work. I was not required to write a positive review of this work.

1 comment:

Tom Anderson said...

Just saw this review. I authored this. Thanks. Just finished a book on transformation, called "From sinnership to sonship. The story of becoming." Would you be interested in receiving an ARC. My email is tca317@gmail.com