Saturday, March 18, 2006

Flannel Graphs

Do you remember flannel graphs in Sunday School?
Purgatorio - Marc Heinrich has a photo post.


Anonymous said...

A A A A A A H H H H H H H H ...still makes me run out the room screaming!

oncoffee said...

that's just because you missed the "joys" of old style technology!!!

Anonymous said...

NO! I am just adversed to the bad theology I can see being demonstrated on it....the true beautfy and value of fanel-graph is that you can change the storyline or theology for your audience!

Anonymous said...

Oh the midst of this suffering I do consider it all joy! Someone please pass me an air sickness bag...

oncoffee said...

I disagree about changing the story... since no matter what story you are telling, they all look the same on a flanel graph!!

Anonymous said...

So are you tossing the powerpoint and going retro? (L0L)

oncoffee said...

powerpoint is the new flannel

Anonymous said... two are pathetic..arguing the differences of PP or flanel wonder I stoped going to church...they both offer a great sense of learning, but you both are to proud to see the usfulness of both options