Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Some things I'm thinking... incomplete... in-process 

  • What this postmodern society will not concede is that the primary problem of humanity is sin… the church isn’t doing a very good job either. 
  • There was another mass shooting this week... 10 more people murdered. We hear the usual platitudes and offerings of thoughts and prayers (a totally meaningless phrase, but that's for another time). We are living in a violent age. We have yet to see the bitter harvest of the seeds we’ve sown. 
  • When we are trying to discern why someone does something evil the answer is “they wanted to”. Why they wanted to, will start with the sin nature and end in someplace we can’t fully understand. 
  • Identity politics is the politics of micro-segregation, which leads to increasing division and conflict. 
  • The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference, I find it very easy to become indifferent toward much lately. 
  • My hope is in Jesus, his broken body and blood and resurrection remind me that he is still reigning and he has prepared a place for me not made with human hands or political legislation.

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